Het Cabinet d’Ormane heeft meer dan 150.000 klanten sinds zijn oprichting in 1956. Hieronder vindt u enkele getuigenissen:
Thank you very much for such a quick and successful action.
AC Optima (Polish trucking company)
I have received payment (cheque) of 1005,80€. Please send us a invoice on your fee. Thank you.
Caspari Aps (Danish designer)
Just to inform you that we have just received a remittance of Euro 10,569.15. Please take no further action. Thanks for your help and i look forward to hearing from you hortly.
Digi Europe Ltd (British manufacturer)
We inform you that on 11.02.2010 we received on our bank account the amount of 3.929,50€ from Mr. H in settlement of our invoice.
Oleodinamica Borelli (Italian manufacturer of mechanical components)
All the invoices are paid. The matter is closed.
SNC Di Diego Mazzi & C (Italian fashion designer)
We received US$5,035.21.
Coast ACM (American manufacturer of magnetic components)
Payment was receieved by my customer. We close this file.
Maranta Holding (Dutch collection agency)